Do You Have a Friend or Relative Celebrating Any Thing Related to This Week's Hit of the Week Year - Perfect Gift!
Website and Contents Copyright 2003-2010, by PRWW -- PUBLIC RADIO WORLDWIDE CORPORATION
sponsors the Hit of the Week
from the Big Band Years
on Public Radio WorldWide
Click on the Above
Photo to Join or
Hear the Program
that features the
o r i g i n a l *
musicians & singers
of the WW2 Swing-era orchestras -- live!
*of such notables as
Les Brown, Tommy Dorsey,
Harry James, Stan Kenton, Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw,
and others ....
supports both your local public radio & television programming
Click on the Play Button to Hear a Brief Sample of
''The Tennessee Waltz'' by Patti Page & the Jack Rael Orchestra
is Shipped Same
Business Day
Add an extra $25 to your donation to have your gift CD personalized with a picture you provide.
You can re-designate or verify
the reference week & year
of your gift CD on the post-donation form for name and shipping address
You're Listening to
a Sample of This Week's
''Hit of the Week''
from 1951
''The Tennessee Waltz'
by Patti Page
(and the Jack Rael Orchestra)
You can designate
your gift CD as
''In Which You Were Born,''
... ''Were Wed,'' ... ''Turned 21,''
''When You Were Crowned King''
A truly novel and personal gift for someone special in your life
Donate $50 or more to PRWW - Public Radio WorldWide -- and receive a specially produced honorary program recorded on CD as a special Thank You -- that you can keep or give as a most unique gift to a friend or loved one. Your special program will feature the ''Hit of the Week'' of the year you select -- PLUS all of the number one hit songs for the ten years before and after your selected week and year.
Click Here to select hits from other years for this week
The Tuxedo Club is the main sponsor of Big Band's Alive!
PRWW's Thank YOU for
your Public Radio
donations is with an exclusive CD that you can
give as a special gift to
a friend or loved one.